
10 ways humanity is being murdered in the name of 'evidence-based science' (#10 Radiation)

In the name of "science," our world has built a network of deadly, unstable nuclear power plants that quite literally threaten the very future of human civilization.
As the Fukushima accident shows, all these "scientists" who think they're so smart are actually incredibly myopic in that they couldn't even foresee an earthquake causing a tidal wave that would impact a nuclear facility built on the shoreline.

Keep in mind that Japan is part of the most seismically active region on the planet, meaning you'd have to be a complete idiot not to realize offshore earthquakes will happen there. Yet these "nuclear scientists" signed off on the project, almost certainly because they all financially benefitted from its construction and maintenance. Billions of dollars were spent to build it, and billions more in an attempt to rescue it.

Not satisfied with placing only the population of Japan in grave danger, nuclear "scientists" have also designed and supported the construction of nuclear power plants all across the world. Today, there are 440 nuclear power plants operating in 30 countries. Every single one of them is instantly vulnerable to a solar flare event that would knock out the power grid and isolate these power plants from the grid.

Why is that a problem? Because most nuclear power plants rely on grid power to run their own coolant circulation pumps, without which they go into fuel rod meltdowns (Chernobyl-class events). While power plants have backup generators, all such generators are built with super-sensitive circuit boards that could all be "fried" by either a solar flare or even a high-altitude EMP attack from a rogue nation such as North Korea. I'm not aware of any nuclear facilities that have EMP-shielded backup generators to run the pumps. Perhaps they exist, but I doubt it.

The result of all this would be a cascade of nuclear meltdowns that would unleash a radiation apocalypse capable of killing nearly all human life on planet Earth.

This network of civilization-destroying nuclear facilities has been supported by "evidence-based science," of course. Never mind the fact that there's no evidence of their long-term safety... nor even any evidence that they can withstand EMP attacks or large-scale solar weather events. As with GMOs, vaccines and everything else covered in this series, the scientists are wildly guessing (and hoping) that nothing bad will happen.

The real evidence says that Mother Nature will throw you a curveball

They have built the global nuclear power infrastructure on the false belief that nature is predictable and calm. In reality, nature is radically unpredictable and sometimes quite destructive as we've all seen with earthquakes, hurricanes, meteor strikes and more.

So in the name of "evidence-based science," we have all been placed in a nuclear death trap that could be unexpectedly set off by a space weather event (solar flare, meteor striking the planet, etc.). The fact that nuclear power plants have not been designed to automatically and passively pull the fuel rods and cool them with nothing more than gravity and thermodynamics is truly astonishing.

Of all the idiotic things "scientists" have done in our world -- GMOs, vaccines, chemotherapy, and so on -- the construction of "ready-to-blow" nuclear power plants is the most insane. Chernobyl and Fukushima have taught us not only that things can and will go wrong (Murphy's Law), but that when they do, governments will LIE about what's happening, even if it means exposing more innocent civilians to deadly doses of radiation.

The cover-up is the important thing, you see, not saving the people.

Yet, astonishingly, the nuclear industry operates as if Murphy's Law doesn't exist! Murphy was delusional, they claim, because nothing ever goes wrong. That's why nuclear plants only need a few hours' worth of backup batteries and a few days' worth of diesel fuel for the generators. That's it! Beyond that incredibly shortsighted preparedness plan, it's a total meltdown followed by a nuclear holocaust.

How's that for a "scientific" achievement?

Among all the talk of "saving the children," no one wants to save them from a nuclear accident

It is bewildering that today's political climate is so focused on talk of gun control to try to prevent a few dozens deaths of children, yet there is absolutely no talk of how the nuclear industry has put ALL our children at risk of death by operating with extreme arrogance under the "science" label.

If you're afraid of "assault rifles" and what that might do to a child, you need to look more closely at nuclear power and what that does to everyone. Rifles can only be used to kill a small number of people in a relatively small space for a very limited amount of time (a few minutes). Nuclear power plants can kill a massive number of people in all directions, with deadly effects lasting for thousands of years. Yet the political deadbeats in Washington have no interest in discussing the threat of a nuclear holocaust and why we should save ALL the children from such an event unfolding.

Ultimately, I believe that nuclear power is a greater threat to humanity than GMOs, vaccines, fluoride, pharmaceuticals and all the other topics mentioned in this ten-part article series. All it takes is one unexpected solar event and humanity is terminated. Such events, by the way, occur with startling regularity (every century or so), meaning that everything you're reading about here will be tested sooner than you might suppose.

No wonder even NASA is warning the world that a massive space storm could unleash huge devastation across our planet while crippling the power grid. As The Telegraph reports:

In a new warning, NASA said the super storm would hit like "a bolt of lightning" and could cause catastrophic consequences for the world's health, emergency services and national security unless precautions are taken.

Scientists believe it could damage everything from emergency services' systems, hospital equipment, banking systems and air traffic control devices, through to "everyday" items such as home computers, iPods and Sat Navs.

Due to humans' heavy reliance on electronic devices, which are sensitive to magnetic energy, the storm could leave a multi-billion pound damage bill and "potentially devastating" problems for governments.

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