Remember the private mercenary army Blackwater that caused such a stir in Iraq during an unprovoked attack in 2007? Apparently, Monsanto and the controversial security firm are in bed together, described by blogger Randy Ananda as "a death-tech firm weds a hit squad." At this point, you might be wondering what in the world the GM seed giant needs with the services of a 'shadow army'? It appears as though the corporation found it necessary to contract with Blackwater in order to collect intelligence on anti-Monsanto activists as well infiltrate their ranks.
Protest Monsanto, stalked by Blackwater
Notorious for the Iraqi Nisour Square Massacre, Blackwater "created a web of more than 30 shell companies or subsidiaries in part to obtain millions of dollars in American government contracts after the security company came under intense criticism for reckless conduct in Iraq," reports the New York Times. One of these subsidiaries became Total Intelligence, the company contracted by Monsanto between 2008-2010 to collect intelligence on activists rallying against GMO crops and other Monsanto activities. Journalist Jeremy Scahill states in The Nation:
"... entities closely linked to the private security firm Blackwater have provided intelligence, training and security services to US and foreign governments as well as several multinational corporations, including Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Company, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and banking giants Deutsche Bank and Barclays, according to documents obtained by The Nation. Blackwater's work for corporations and government agencies was contracted using two companies owned by Blackwater's owner and founder, Erik Prince: Total Intelligence Solutions and the Terrorism Research Center (TRC). Prince is listed as the chairman of both companies in internal company documents, which show how the web of companies functions as a highly coordinated operation."
A spokesperson representing Monsanto admits the company hired Total Intelligence for information "... about the activities of groups or individuals that could pose a risk to company personnel or operations around the world which were developed by monitoring local media reports and other publicly available information. The subject matter ranged from information regarding terrorist incidents in Asia or kidnappings in Central America to scanning the content of activist blogs and websites."
However, what the spokesperson fails to address is that according to documents secured by Scahill, Monsanto was willing to pay a sizable sum (up to $500,000) for Blackwater agents to infiltrate anti-Monsanto organizations.
As the plot continues to thicken regarding Monsanto's tactics of domination, Ananda aptly notes:
"... Monsanto, by hiring a mercenary army and former CIA field agents, is deadly serious about protecting its deadly products. Yet, this contract further discredits the company. The public can now paint an even bleaker picture of the firm that brought us Agent Orange, PCBs, rBST, DDT, aspartame and, now, hit men."
Exclusive: Facebook censors pictures of children rallying against GMOs during global March Against Monsanto
In one of the most devastating acts of destruction of its own credibility, Facebook engaged in yet more censorship of Free Speech with the suspending of an account that posted a photo of children rallying against Monsanto during today's global March Against Monsanto.
The picture shows two children of Natural News reader Andrea Lalama. They are carrying hand-drawn signs that read:
"ORGANIC FOOD It's My Medicine - Label GMOs - Say NO to GMO"
After this picture was shared on Facebook by Natural News, Andrea's account was immediately suspended. Facebook displayed a message on her account which read (see screen capture, below):
"FACEBOOK: You have been restricted from Interacting With Pages until Saturday, June 8, 2013 at 6:47pm."
At this point, Andrea can only re-post other people's content but is disallowed from posting her own content. Why? Because children with signs are obviously very, very dangerous to the establishment.
See the photo of two children that Facebook says is "abusive"
Here's the photo of the children that caused Facebook to suspend her account:
And here's the account suspension notice screen capture:
Here's a link to Andrea's Facebook page, which remains suspended:
Another woman, Georgia Gallucci, was also censored by Facebook
As the following screen capture shows, another FB user named Georgia Gallucci also had her account suspended by Facebook after "reposting a friend's photo from the Monsanto March."
Yet another account called "Reversing Autism" was also suspended by Facebook for posting Monsanto march photos. The following screen capture shows the Reversing Autism account being labeled by Facebook as posting content that is "abusive."
Astonishingly, Facebook believes that a corporation growing corn engineered to contain a deadly poison is not abusive, but talking about it IS abusive!
Facebook previously censored Natural News for posting a quote from GandhiRemember, Facebook previously censored a Gandhi quote infographic, claiming it violated its "community guidelines." Facebook hit Natural News with a "final warning" and threatening to permanently delete the Natural News account.
Facebook has also been caught in the outrageous abuse of Free Speech through the censorship of people who have all sorts of non-mainstream views, including people who believe in the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.
So this Facebook censorship is nothing new, and in light of recent revelations that the U.S. government engaged in an outrageous abuse of power to threaten, intimidate and silence certain groups through the IRS, many people are now questioning whether Facebook actually is part of the government surveillance grid that intentionally suppresses information the government doesn't want to be seen.
The picture shows two children of Natural News reader Andrea Lalama. They are carrying hand-drawn signs that read:
"ORGANIC FOOD It's My Medicine - Label GMOs - Say NO to GMO"
After this picture was shared on Facebook by Natural News, Andrea's account was immediately suspended. Facebook displayed a message on her account which read (see screen capture, below):
"FACEBOOK: You have been restricted from Interacting With Pages until Saturday, June 8, 2013 at 6:47pm."
At this point, Andrea can only re-post other people's content but is disallowed from posting her own content. Why? Because children with signs are obviously very, very dangerous to the establishment.
See the photo of two children that Facebook says is "abusive"
Here's the photo of the children that caused Facebook to suspend her account:
And here's the account suspension notice screen capture:
Here's a link to Andrea's Facebook page, which remains suspended:
Another woman, Georgia Gallucci, was also censored by Facebook
As the following screen capture shows, another FB user named Georgia Gallucci also had her account suspended by Facebook after "reposting a friend's photo from the Monsanto March."
Yet another account called "Reversing Autism" was also suspended by Facebook for posting Monsanto march photos. The following screen capture shows the Reversing Autism account being labeled by Facebook as posting content that is "abusive."
Astonishingly, Facebook believes that a corporation growing corn engineered to contain a deadly poison is not abusive, but talking about it IS abusive!
Facebook previously censored Natural News for posting a quote from GandhiRemember, Facebook previously censored a Gandhi quote infographic, claiming it violated its "community guidelines." Facebook hit Natural News with a "final warning" and threatening to permanently delete the Natural News account.
Facebook has also been caught in the outrageous abuse of Free Speech through the censorship of people who have all sorts of non-mainstream views, including people who believe in the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.
So this Facebook censorship is nothing new, and in light of recent revelations that the U.S. government engaged in an outrageous abuse of power to threaten, intimidate and silence certain groups through the IRS, many people are now questioning whether Facebook actually is part of the government surveillance grid that intentionally suppresses information the government doesn't want to be seen.
NASA Photo Confirms UFO On Mars: Rover Records UFO As It Streaks Across The Martian Sky, Video
Eyewitness states: Observing the sky with the green filter of it panoramic camera, the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit came across a surprise: a streak across the sky.
The streak, seen in the middle of this mosaic of images taken by the navigation and panoramic cameras, was probably the brightest object in the sky at the time.
Scientists theorize that the mystery line could be either a meteorite or one of seven out-of-commission spacecraft still orbiting Mars.
Because the object appeared to move 4 degrees of an arc in 15 seconds it is probably not the Russian probes Mars 2, Mars 3, Mars 5, or Phobos 2; or the American probes Mariner 9 or Viking 1.
That leaves Viking 2, which has a polar orbit that would fit with the north-south orientation of the streak. In addition, only Viking 1 and 2 were left in orbits that could produce motion as fast as that seen by Spirit. Said Mark Lemmon, a rover team member from Texas A&M University, Texas,
“Is this the first image of a meteor on Mars, or an image of a spacecraft sent from another world during the dawn of our robotic space exploration program? We may never know, but we are still looking for clues.”
Scientists theorize that the mystery line could be either a meteorite or one of seven out-of-commission spacecraft still orbiting Mars.
Because the object appeared to move 4 degrees of an arc in 15 seconds it is probably not the Russian probes Mars 2, Mars 3, Mars 5, or Phobos 2; or the American probes Mariner 9 or Viking 1.
That leaves Viking 2, which has a polar orbit that would fit with the north-south orientation of the streak. In addition, only Viking 1 and 2 were left in orbits that could produce motion as fast as that seen by Spirit. Said Mark Lemmon, a rover team member from Texas A&M University, Texas,
“Is this the first image of a meteor on Mars, or an image of a spacecraft sent from another world during the dawn of our robotic space exploration program? We may never know, but we are still looking for clues.”
No food stamps for people convicted of violent crimes
On Wednesday, the 2013 Senate Farm Bill was amended by to make those convicted of certain violent crimes ineligible for SNAP (Supplementary Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits, popularly known as food stamps. The amendment was passed by unanimous consent, meaning that neither Republicans nor Democrats objected to the bill.
The new eligibility requirements were proposed by Republican Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, who at the same time introduced another amendment designed to end the so-called “Obama phone” program which helps low-income Americans obtain cell phones. The Senate’s Farm Bill—a large piece of legislation passed once every few years to regulate, fund and subsidize various programs related to agriculture and food production—already included language that would cut food stamps by about $4.1 billion.
“Under current law, there is a lifetime ban for convicted drug felons, though many states have opted out of or modified that ban,” reads a statement from Vitter’s office. “Vitter’s amendment would extend the lifetime food stamp ban to dangerous sex offenders and murderers.”
Timothy Smeeding, director of the University of Wisconsin’s Institute for Research on Poverty, called the amendment “ridiculous.”
“It doesn’t save anyone any money,” he told MSNBC. “It just makes sort of a political statement that we don’t forgive people for crimes once they pay their dues. We’re just going to punish them forever.” He argued that making it more difficult for convicted felons to meet their basic nutritional needs would encourage recidivism.
There’s research that supports Smeeding’s claim. Researchers at Yale University have found that making drug offenders ineligible for food stamps puts them “at greater risk of engaging in dangerous, sexual risk behaviors in order to obtain food,” according to the Yale News. Many former drug offenders in states where they are ineligible for food stamps “are turning to prostitution and other behaviors that put them at risk for HIV and other negative outcomes in order to obtain food.”
The bill could also have other unintended consequences. For example, “the amendment would mean lower SNAP benefits for their children and other family members,” writes Bob Greenstein, president of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
The House Farm Bill includes yet more draconian cuts to SNAP benefits. Last week, the House Agriculture Committee approved legislation which would cut $20 billion in SNAP funding over the next decade.
The new eligibility requirements were proposed by Republican Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, who at the same time introduced another amendment designed to end the so-called “Obama phone” program which helps low-income Americans obtain cell phones. The Senate’s Farm Bill—a large piece of legislation passed once every few years to regulate, fund and subsidize various programs related to agriculture and food production—already included language that would cut food stamps by about $4.1 billion.
“Under current law, there is a lifetime ban for convicted drug felons, though many states have opted out of or modified that ban,” reads a statement from Vitter’s office. “Vitter’s amendment would extend the lifetime food stamp ban to dangerous sex offenders and murderers.”
Timothy Smeeding, director of the University of Wisconsin’s Institute for Research on Poverty, called the amendment “ridiculous.”
“It doesn’t save anyone any money,” he told MSNBC. “It just makes sort of a political statement that we don’t forgive people for crimes once they pay their dues. We’re just going to punish them forever.” He argued that making it more difficult for convicted felons to meet their basic nutritional needs would encourage recidivism.
There’s research that supports Smeeding’s claim. Researchers at Yale University have found that making drug offenders ineligible for food stamps puts them “at greater risk of engaging in dangerous, sexual risk behaviors in order to obtain food,” according to the Yale News. Many former drug offenders in states where they are ineligible for food stamps “are turning to prostitution and other behaviors that put them at risk for HIV and other negative outcomes in order to obtain food.”
The bill could also have other unintended consequences. For example, “the amendment would mean lower SNAP benefits for their children and other family members,” writes Bob Greenstein, president of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
The House Farm Bill includes yet more draconian cuts to SNAP benefits. Last week, the House Agriculture Committee approved legislation which would cut $20 billion in SNAP funding over the next decade.
Top 10 reasons to join the March Against Monsanto (Saturday, May 25, 2013)
The global March Against Monsanto happens tomorrow! Nearly three hundred cities will host what's sure to be hundreds of thousands of protesters and activists around the globe who are taking a stand against Monsanto and GMOs.
YOU can join in the activities, too! Check this site to see if there's a march planned near you:
And learn more about the event at this FB page:
Here are my top 10 reasons to attend the March Against Monsanto!
#1) There will be tons of press coverage, so your voice will be heard
It's hard to get your voice heard these days. But now's your chance! Bring your protest sign, wear a shirt with a message, speak to news crews or even give a speech to the audience. This is your chance to have your voice heard on an issue of crucial importance to the future of life on our planet.
#2) Send a powerful message to Monsanto that their corporate evil will not be tolerated by the people of the world
Beyond the media watching this event, Monsanto will also be very closely monitoring what happens. (Look out for "Monsanto spies" at every event!)
When you show up and march with determination and passion, you help send a message to Monsanto that they will never stop the resistance against GMOs. We want to tell them they should find a way to transition out of the market while they still have time. Let Monsanto know that We the People won't tolerate their genetic poisoning of the planet and the food supply!
#3) Learn more about GMOs and why they're so dangerous for life on our planet
By attending these rallies, you'll also learn a huge amount of valuable information about GMOs and why they're so dangerous to us all. You might even learn something so powerful you feel compelled to share it with others.
And that's how this works: Gathering knowledge and sharing it with the people around you so that they, too, can learn to avoid GMOs. Let knowledge be open-source!
#4) Listen to great speakers who share a message of inspiration and solidarity
At every city, speakers will be sharing their wisdom and rallying the crowd with inspiring, informative live speeches. Listen to these speakers and you'll learn a lot!
#5) Meet and interact with like-minded people
Want to meet informed, intelligent, health-conscious people who aren't dumbed-down like everyone else? Meet them at the March Against Monsanto!
Think about it: What kind of people come to these marches? The top 1% of the most informed, "awake" and environmentally-aware individuals on the planet. That's my kind of crowd!
#6) Send a global message to food retailers that they should drop GMOs
Food retailers will also be watching this event, and as more and more people protest GMOs, more pressure will be placed on retailers to either label GMOs or drop them altogether.
And that's what we want! At minimum, we want mandatory GMO labeling across the board. That way, shoppers can make an informed choice of what they're buying at the grocery store.
#7) Get some outdoor exercise while joining a noble cause
Joining the march will give you a fantastic opportunity to get some healthy exercise while marching for a worthy cause. It's not every day that you get to march with a group of fun, intelligent, informed people who truly represent the future of humankind (because they care about genetic integrity).
If for no other reason than this, join the March Against Monsanto and enjoy the stroll!
#8) Raise your spiritual karma score by standing up for universal justice
Need a little help in the karma realm? Marching against evil is always a good thing; especially when you're taking a stand for universal justice: food freedom, farm freedom and the integrity of seeds on our planet.
The time to do something good is now!
#9) Show off your cool protest sign!
Bring an awesome protest sign and show it off to the crowd! I'll be marching with my own sign, and I can't wait to see what everybody else comes up with, too.
Make your sign large enough to be easily read in photos and news cameras. If your sign is awesome enough, it will get major play on the 'net!
#10) Be part of a truly grassroots, non-hierarchical, non-centralized global protest
This entire event has come into existence organically, with no central planning or coordination. I don't even know who put this together in the first place. And it doesn't matter, you see, because as long as we each continue to do our part on this, we can feel hugely rewarded in knowing that millions of other people are also doing their part for the same common goal: the global outlawing or labeling of GMOs.
Join us in this march for the sole reason that it is the right thing to do. Become part of a peer-to-peer, decentralized movement of justice against a terrible evil that threatens our planet. Feel the power of the People as you join in this meaningful, grassroots effort to banish corporate evil from our food and farms.
YOU can join in the activities, too! Check this site to see if there's a march planned near you:
And learn more about the event at this FB page:
Here are my top 10 reasons to attend the March Against Monsanto!
#1) There will be tons of press coverage, so your voice will be heard
It's hard to get your voice heard these days. But now's your chance! Bring your protest sign, wear a shirt with a message, speak to news crews or even give a speech to the audience. This is your chance to have your voice heard on an issue of crucial importance to the future of life on our planet.
#2) Send a powerful message to Monsanto that their corporate evil will not be tolerated by the people of the world
Beyond the media watching this event, Monsanto will also be very closely monitoring what happens. (Look out for "Monsanto spies" at every event!)
When you show up and march with determination and passion, you help send a message to Monsanto that they will never stop the resistance against GMOs. We want to tell them they should find a way to transition out of the market while they still have time. Let Monsanto know that We the People won't tolerate their genetic poisoning of the planet and the food supply!
#3) Learn more about GMOs and why they're so dangerous for life on our planet
By attending these rallies, you'll also learn a huge amount of valuable information about GMOs and why they're so dangerous to us all. You might even learn something so powerful you feel compelled to share it with others.
And that's how this works: Gathering knowledge and sharing it with the people around you so that they, too, can learn to avoid GMOs. Let knowledge be open-source!
#4) Listen to great speakers who share a message of inspiration and solidarity
At every city, speakers will be sharing their wisdom and rallying the crowd with inspiring, informative live speeches. Listen to these speakers and you'll learn a lot!
#5) Meet and interact with like-minded people
Want to meet informed, intelligent, health-conscious people who aren't dumbed-down like everyone else? Meet them at the March Against Monsanto!
Think about it: What kind of people come to these marches? The top 1% of the most informed, "awake" and environmentally-aware individuals on the planet. That's my kind of crowd!
#6) Send a global message to food retailers that they should drop GMOs
Food retailers will also be watching this event, and as more and more people protest GMOs, more pressure will be placed on retailers to either label GMOs or drop them altogether.
And that's what we want! At minimum, we want mandatory GMO labeling across the board. That way, shoppers can make an informed choice of what they're buying at the grocery store.
#7) Get some outdoor exercise while joining a noble cause
Joining the march will give you a fantastic opportunity to get some healthy exercise while marching for a worthy cause. It's not every day that you get to march with a group of fun, intelligent, informed people who truly represent the future of humankind (because they care about genetic integrity).
If for no other reason than this, join the March Against Monsanto and enjoy the stroll!
#8) Raise your spiritual karma score by standing up for universal justice
Need a little help in the karma realm? Marching against evil is always a good thing; especially when you're taking a stand for universal justice: food freedom, farm freedom and the integrity of seeds on our planet.
The time to do something good is now!
#9) Show off your cool protest sign!
Bring an awesome protest sign and show it off to the crowd! I'll be marching with my own sign, and I can't wait to see what everybody else comes up with, too.
Make your sign large enough to be easily read in photos and news cameras. If your sign is awesome enough, it will get major play on the 'net!
#10) Be part of a truly grassroots, non-hierarchical, non-centralized global protest
This entire event has come into existence organically, with no central planning or coordination. I don't even know who put this together in the first place. And it doesn't matter, you see, because as long as we each continue to do our part on this, we can feel hugely rewarded in knowing that millions of other people are also doing their part for the same common goal: the global outlawing or labeling of GMOs.
Join us in this march for the sole reason that it is the right thing to do. Become part of a peer-to-peer, decentralized movement of justice against a terrible evil that threatens our planet. Feel the power of the People as you join in this meaningful, grassroots effort to banish corporate evil from our food and farms.
New study reveals how glyphosate in Monsanto's Roundup inhibits natural detoxification in human cells
The modern age of industrial agriculture and manufacturing has dumped heavy metals, carninogens, plastics, and pesticides into the environment at alarming rates. These toxins are showing up in most human tissue cells today. One distinct chemical may be trapping these toxins in human cells, limiting the human body's ability to detoxify its own cells. In a new peer reviewed study, this sinister chemical, glyphosate, has been proven to inhibit the human cell's ability to detoxify altogether. Glyphosate, found in Monsanto's Roundup, is being deemed by publishers of the new study "one of the most dangerous chemicals" being unleashed into the environment today.
Download the PDF of the study here:
How glyphosate destroys human cells
Glyphosate, most commonly found in conventional sugar, corn, soy and wheat products, throws off the cytochrome P450 gene pathway, inhibiting enzyme production in the body. CYP enzymes play a crucial role in detoxifying xenobiotics, which include drugs, carcinogens, and pesticides. By inhibiting this natural detoxification process, glyphosate systematically enhances the damaging effects of other environmental toxins that get in the body. This, in turn, disrupts homeostasis, increases inflammation, and leads to a slow deconstruction of the cellular system. Toxins build up in the gut over time and break down through the intestinal walls, infiltrating blood, and ultimately passing through the brain/blood barrier, damaging neurological function.
Important CYP enzymes that are affected include aromatase, the enzyme that converts androgen into estrogen, 21-Hydroxylase, which creates stress hormone cortisol, and aldosterone, which regulates blood pressure.
Getting to the gut
Even as evidence mounts, Monsanto asserts that glyphosate is not harmful to humans, citing that its mechanism of action in plants (the disruption of the shikimate pathway), is not present in humans. This is not true.
The shikimate pathway, which is involved in the synthesis of the essential aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, is present in human gut bacteria, which has a direct relationship with the human body, aiding in digestion, synthesizing vitamins, detoxifying carcinogens, and participating in immune system function.
By inhibiting the body's gut flora from performing its essential function in the human body, glyphosate heightens many health issues facing the Western world today.
These conditions include inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn's disease, obesity, and even dementia and depression. Also, by restricting gut bacteria from absorbing nutrients, glyphosate voids the body of essential life-giving vitamins.
Depletion of serum tryptophan and its link to obesity
Glysophate's damaging effects on gut bacteria lead to depleted sulfate supplies in the gut, resulting in inflammatory bowel disease. As more chemicals are absorbed from the environment, alterations in body chemistry actively promote weight gain by blocking nutrient absorption. By effecting CYP enzymes in the liver, obesity incidence is compounded, impairing the body's ability to detoxify synthetics chemicals. Since serotonin is derived from tryptophan and acts an appetite suppressant, the depletion of tryptophan encourages overeating in the brain, leading to obesity.
In need of urgent, massive awakening
Authors of the new review point out that "glyphosate is likely to be pervasive in our food supply and may be the most biologically disruptive chemical in our environment." Monsanto is already lashing back at these claims, calling this peer reviewed study, "bad science" and "another bogus study." What Monsanto fails to is mention that most of the studies on glyphosate's "safety" are conducted by Monsanto themselves, which is bias to the core.
The authors of this new study instead call out for more independent research to be done to validate their findings. They are concerned with glyphosate's inhibition of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes in the body, which are hindering the body's natural detoxification ability.
There is certainly a need for more empowering education on chemicals like glyphosate. There needs to be a kind of public mass awakening that correlates Monsanto's Roundup with skull and crossbones. If anything, Americans have the right to know how their food was produced, engineered, and poisoned, and everyone should pitch in and stop using toxic glyphosate-laced Roundup at all costs.
Download the PDF of the study here:
How glyphosate destroys human cells
Glyphosate, most commonly found in conventional sugar, corn, soy and wheat products, throws off the cytochrome P450 gene pathway, inhibiting enzyme production in the body. CYP enzymes play a crucial role in detoxifying xenobiotics, which include drugs, carcinogens, and pesticides. By inhibiting this natural detoxification process, glyphosate systematically enhances the damaging effects of other environmental toxins that get in the body. This, in turn, disrupts homeostasis, increases inflammation, and leads to a slow deconstruction of the cellular system. Toxins build up in the gut over time and break down through the intestinal walls, infiltrating blood, and ultimately passing through the brain/blood barrier, damaging neurological function.
Important CYP enzymes that are affected include aromatase, the enzyme that converts androgen into estrogen, 21-Hydroxylase, which creates stress hormone cortisol, and aldosterone, which regulates blood pressure.
Getting to the gut
Even as evidence mounts, Monsanto asserts that glyphosate is not harmful to humans, citing that its mechanism of action in plants (the disruption of the shikimate pathway), is not present in humans. This is not true.
The shikimate pathway, which is involved in the synthesis of the essential aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, is present in human gut bacteria, which has a direct relationship with the human body, aiding in digestion, synthesizing vitamins, detoxifying carcinogens, and participating in immune system function.
By inhibiting the body's gut flora from performing its essential function in the human body, glyphosate heightens many health issues facing the Western world today.
These conditions include inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn's disease, obesity, and even dementia and depression. Also, by restricting gut bacteria from absorbing nutrients, glyphosate voids the body of essential life-giving vitamins.
Depletion of serum tryptophan and its link to obesity
Glysophate's damaging effects on gut bacteria lead to depleted sulfate supplies in the gut, resulting in inflammatory bowel disease. As more chemicals are absorbed from the environment, alterations in body chemistry actively promote weight gain by blocking nutrient absorption. By effecting CYP enzymes in the liver, obesity incidence is compounded, impairing the body's ability to detoxify synthetics chemicals. Since serotonin is derived from tryptophan and acts an appetite suppressant, the depletion of tryptophan encourages overeating in the brain, leading to obesity.
In need of urgent, massive awakening
Authors of the new review point out that "glyphosate is likely to be pervasive in our food supply and may be the most biologically disruptive chemical in our environment." Monsanto is already lashing back at these claims, calling this peer reviewed study, "bad science" and "another bogus study." What Monsanto fails to is mention that most of the studies on glyphosate's "safety" are conducted by Monsanto themselves, which is bias to the core.
The authors of this new study instead call out for more independent research to be done to validate their findings. They are concerned with glyphosate's inhibition of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes in the body, which are hindering the body's natural detoxification ability.
There is certainly a need for more empowering education on chemicals like glyphosate. There needs to be a kind of public mass awakening that correlates Monsanto's Roundup with skull and crossbones. If anything, Americans have the right to know how their food was produced, engineered, and poisoned, and everyone should pitch in and stop using toxic glyphosate-laced Roundup at all costs.
Your Healthy Greek Yogurt Harbors A Deadly Secret
For every container of Greek yogurt you see on a supermarket shelf, picture another container (or two or three) of deadly poison. It’s called acid whey, and it’s a toxic byproduct from the yogurt-making process that’s becoming a big problem for manufacturers as their product continues its assault on the hearts and minds of health-conscious Americans.
Never heard of "acid whey?" Neither had we. Modern Farmer explains:
It’s a thin, runny waste product that can’t simply be dumped. Not only would that be illegal, but whey decomposition is toxic to the natural environment, robbing oxygen from streams and rivers. That could turn a waterway into what one expert calls a “dead sea,” destroying aquatic life over potentially large areas. Spills of cheese whey, a cousin of Greek yogurt whey, have killed tens of thousands of fish around the country in recent years.
The scale of the problem—or opportunity, depending on who you ask—is daunting. The $2 billion Greek yogurt market has become one of the biggest success stories in food over the past few years and total yogurt production in New York nearly tripled between 2007 and 2013. New plants continue to open all over the country. The Northeast alone, led by New York, produced more than 150 million gallons of acid whey last year, according to one estimate.(Emphasis mine.)
Possible solutions to the acid whey problem include farmers mixing it with cattle feed, incorporating it into fertilizer, or making biogas from it. Another is using it to make baby-food. But nobody’s really figured it out. As Cornell dairy scientist Dave Barbano toldModern Farmer: “Because the Greek yogurt production grew so rapidly, no one really had the time to step back and look at the other viable options."
The cheese industry has solved its whey problem by selling the stuff to companies that make body-building supplements. But the "sweet whey" produced from cheese-making is richer in protein than acid whey, and therefore easier to process.
For now, it remains a mystery what will become of all that whey. But by all means, keep eating the Greek yogurt and feeling good about yourself.
Never heard of "acid whey?" Neither had we. Modern Farmer explains:
It’s a thin, runny waste product that can’t simply be dumped. Not only would that be illegal, but whey decomposition is toxic to the natural environment, robbing oxygen from streams and rivers. That could turn a waterway into what one expert calls a “dead sea,” destroying aquatic life over potentially large areas. Spills of cheese whey, a cousin of Greek yogurt whey, have killed tens of thousands of fish around the country in recent years.
The scale of the problem—or opportunity, depending on who you ask—is daunting. The $2 billion Greek yogurt market has become one of the biggest success stories in food over the past few years and total yogurt production in New York nearly tripled between 2007 and 2013. New plants continue to open all over the country. The Northeast alone, led by New York, produced more than 150 million gallons of acid whey last year, according to one estimate.(Emphasis mine.)
Possible solutions to the acid whey problem include farmers mixing it with cattle feed, incorporating it into fertilizer, or making biogas from it. Another is using it to make baby-food. But nobody’s really figured it out. As Cornell dairy scientist Dave Barbano toldModern Farmer: “Because the Greek yogurt production grew so rapidly, no one really had the time to step back and look at the other viable options."
The cheese industry has solved its whey problem by selling the stuff to companies that make body-building supplements. But the "sweet whey" produced from cheese-making is richer in protein than acid whey, and therefore easier to process.
For now, it remains a mystery what will become of all that whey. But by all means, keep eating the Greek yogurt and feeling good about yourself.
Multiple Phenomena on Rocky Mountain Ranch
Most ATSers know of the property in Utah’s Uinta Basin where all sorts of strange paranormal things were reported as taking place – “Skinwalker Ranch” in the 1990s.
But some may not be aware of the “Colorado UFO Ranch” in the Rocky Mountains where 2 decades earlier a similarly bizarre ‘paranormal theme park’ seemed to exist? Cattle mutilations occurred, UFOs, ET humanoids and Bigfoot type creatures appeared. Then there were the strange messages broadcast over stereo speakers, electrical power failures, and truly bizarre intrusions around the house.
An investigation was made by John S. Derr and R. Leo Sprinkle for an APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization) report in 1978. The witness wished to remain anonymous. Initially they said nothing, fearing they would be treated as crazy, but finally reported their experiences as the phenomenon escalated. The story was covered in Timothy Good’s book “Alien Liaison”. The witnesses were a group of friends who pooled resources to purchase and re-furbish the cattle ranch in the space of a few months in the mid-1970s.
There was ‘Jim’, a former USAF Security and Public Relations Officer, ‘John’ an executive for a large corporation and his wife ‘Barbara’ and three sons. There was also a former law enforcement officer who has never been named (even with an alias) who talked about the events.
Almost as soon as the group had settled themselves into the ranch strange events began to occur.
They experienced a variety of unusual events:
1. A humming sound was often prevalent throughout the ranch house, although this noise could not be traced to the newly re-wired electrical system, or any devices in the house. The humming sound seemed to follow a pattern of being heard during a wind storm and for an hour or so after a wind storm.
2. Noises were heard as if an intruder was walking around the outside of the ranch Sounds like someone opening a car door and beating on the walls and doors of the house were heard.
3. Strange "Big Foot" like creatures were seen in the woods.
4. Multiple UFO sightings occurred. One including 9 glowing disks setting down near the pond, a light flash was observed by Jim and John from the windows, simultaneously Barbara who was sitting on a couch experienced a "blow to the head” falling unconscious to the floor. She was fortunately revived in less than a minute.
5. A large "circle" (approximately 75 feet in diameter) in a clearing would not support vegetation although by 1978 it seemed that grass and weeds were growing again.
6. One morning Jim awoke, but was paralysed by something, and saw a tall, skinny creature wearing a helmet standing in the room by the glass door, observing him. The creature appeared to have 3 tubes connected to the suit. He was able to scream and the creature disappeared.
7. Whilst neighbouring ranchers did not suffer electrical power outages the ranch would often be plunged into darkness without electricity.
8. During one of these electrical blackouts, all of the radio and stereo systems on the property appeared to broadcast a message saying, "You have been allowed to remain. Do not cause us to take action which you will regret."
9. Around the time of UFO activities, a cow belonging to the ranch was found to have been mutilated.
10. A young bull, not belonging to the ranch was found with his head twisted back various organs had been removed with what appeared to be surgical precision.
11. Jim spotted a landed disk in the woods, with two humanoids nearby. He and the oldest son in the family saw what could only be described as a box (3 ft x 1.5 ft wide x 1.5 ft thick) emitting strange hums and other sounds whilst multicoloured lights flashed on and off. Jim believes the humanoids were expecting him and was told by one of “humanoids” not to go near the "box”. Then a Big Foot like creature was seen walking toward the box and suddenly fell to the ground. The humanoid said to Jim, "As you see, it can be lethal."
They spoke to him in perfect English and told him that they were sorry for the inconvenience and disturbances on the ranch. They said that they expected some changes to occur in the events which were happening at the ranch. However, after this encounter, both the strange events, and level of tension increased for the residents of the ranch.
15. A fire began on the front porch of the ranch house, apparently started by electrical wiring in contact with paint buckets on the porch.
The residents eventually left the ranch due to the fear, stress and extreme weirdness they had encountered by 1978.
A local law enforcement officer was also interviewed about the odd happenings at the ranch. He stated that in 1975 there had been hundreds of cattle mutilations reported to which he had been asked to investigate. The following year there were less than a hundred. By 1977 there were less than ten reports. This he said was due to following a policy to not attend to these type of calls to reduce the number of official reports. Although he was unsure if the directions had come from the government or were something more locally enforced.
The officer also recalled a number of UFO sightings whilst out on night patrol. Although he had not seen humanoids himself he did feel that all the usual explanations of hallucinations, aircraft and military tests did not adequately explain what was going on in the area.
Cattle mutilations, UFOs, Bigfoot, strange poltergeist like activity and humanoids who appear to speak perfect English. What was going on?
Why do these areas seem to exist?
Are they portals to other dimensions?
Is there some kind of unknown entity or force that exists and has the ability to trick human minds?
Or is there a down to earth sceptical explanation?
But some may not be aware of the “Colorado UFO Ranch” in the Rocky Mountains where 2 decades earlier a similarly bizarre ‘paranormal theme park’ seemed to exist? Cattle mutilations occurred, UFOs, ET humanoids and Bigfoot type creatures appeared. Then there were the strange messages broadcast over stereo speakers, electrical power failures, and truly bizarre intrusions around the house.
An investigation was made by John S. Derr and R. Leo Sprinkle for an APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization) report in 1978. The witness wished to remain anonymous. Initially they said nothing, fearing they would be treated as crazy, but finally reported their experiences as the phenomenon escalated. The story was covered in Timothy Good’s book “Alien Liaison”. The witnesses were a group of friends who pooled resources to purchase and re-furbish the cattle ranch in the space of a few months in the mid-1970s.
There was ‘Jim’, a former USAF Security and Public Relations Officer, ‘John’ an executive for a large corporation and his wife ‘Barbara’ and three sons. There was also a former law enforcement officer who has never been named (even with an alias) who talked about the events.
Almost as soon as the group had settled themselves into the ranch strange events began to occur.
They experienced a variety of unusual events:
1. A humming sound was often prevalent throughout the ranch house, although this noise could not be traced to the newly re-wired electrical system, or any devices in the house. The humming sound seemed to follow a pattern of being heard during a wind storm and for an hour or so after a wind storm.
2. Noises were heard as if an intruder was walking around the outside of the ranch Sounds like someone opening a car door and beating on the walls and doors of the house were heard.
3. Strange "Big Foot" like creatures were seen in the woods.
4. Multiple UFO sightings occurred. One including 9 glowing disks setting down near the pond, a light flash was observed by Jim and John from the windows, simultaneously Barbara who was sitting on a couch experienced a "blow to the head” falling unconscious to the floor. She was fortunately revived in less than a minute.
5. A large "circle" (approximately 75 feet in diameter) in a clearing would not support vegetation although by 1978 it seemed that grass and weeds were growing again.
6. One morning Jim awoke, but was paralysed by something, and saw a tall, skinny creature wearing a helmet standing in the room by the glass door, observing him. The creature appeared to have 3 tubes connected to the suit. He was able to scream and the creature disappeared.
7. Whilst neighbouring ranchers did not suffer electrical power outages the ranch would often be plunged into darkness without electricity.
8. During one of these electrical blackouts, all of the radio and stereo systems on the property appeared to broadcast a message saying, "You have been allowed to remain. Do not cause us to take action which you will regret."
9. Around the time of UFO activities, a cow belonging to the ranch was found to have been mutilated.
10. A young bull, not belonging to the ranch was found with his head twisted back various organs had been removed with what appeared to be surgical precision.
11. Jim spotted a landed disk in the woods, with two humanoids nearby. He and the oldest son in the family saw what could only be described as a box (3 ft x 1.5 ft wide x 1.5 ft thick) emitting strange hums and other sounds whilst multicoloured lights flashed on and off. Jim believes the humanoids were expecting him and was told by one of “humanoids” not to go near the "box”. Then a Big Foot like creature was seen walking toward the box and suddenly fell to the ground. The humanoid said to Jim, "As you see, it can be lethal."
They spoke to him in perfect English and told him that they were sorry for the inconvenience and disturbances on the ranch. They said that they expected some changes to occur in the events which were happening at the ranch. However, after this encounter, both the strange events, and level of tension increased for the residents of the ranch.
15. A fire began on the front porch of the ranch house, apparently started by electrical wiring in contact with paint buckets on the porch.
The residents eventually left the ranch due to the fear, stress and extreme weirdness they had encountered by 1978.
A local law enforcement officer was also interviewed about the odd happenings at the ranch. He stated that in 1975 there had been hundreds of cattle mutilations reported to which he had been asked to investigate. The following year there were less than a hundred. By 1977 there were less than ten reports. This he said was due to following a policy to not attend to these type of calls to reduce the number of official reports. Although he was unsure if the directions had come from the government or were something more locally enforced.
The officer also recalled a number of UFO sightings whilst out on night patrol. Although he had not seen humanoids himself he did feel that all the usual explanations of hallucinations, aircraft and military tests did not adequately explain what was going on in the area.
Why do these areas seem to exist?
Are they portals to other dimensions?
Is there some kind of unknown entity or force that exists and has the ability to trick human minds?
Or is there a down to earth sceptical explanation?
Marijuana cannabinoids slow brain degradation and aging, reverse dementia
The human brain contains an extensive network of special receptor sites that modulate nervous system function only when activated by the appropriate cannabinoid compounds, many of which are found in abundance in the marijuana plant. And emerging research continues to uncover the unique role these cannabinoids play in protecting brain function, which in turn helps deter the aging process and even reverse the damaging effects of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia and cognitive abnormality.
One of the latest discoveries concerning cannabinoids involves their ability to act as antioxidants in the brain. Researchers from Germany found that the brain's cannabinoid system is fully capable of not only cleansing damaged brain cells from the brain, but also triggering the production of new brain cells within the brain, a concept that contradicts years of conventional thinking about how the brain works. Cannabinoids also supercharge mitochondria in the brain, which are the powerhouses of energy that maintain proper cell function.
Published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, these discoveries shed new insight on how natural marijuana cannabinoids hold the capacity to literally quell the brain inflammation responsible for causing cognitive decline, neural failure, and brain degeneration. By supplying these receptor sites with cannabinoids, patients may be able to overcome brain conditions like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and many other conditions, not to mention premature brain aging, all conditions for which modern science has failed to find real solutions.
"I've been trying to find a drug that will reduce brain inflammation and restore cognitive function in rats for over 25 years; cannabinoids are the first and only class of drugs that have ever been effective," said Gary Wenk, a professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio State University (OSU) who helped with the research. "I think that the perception about this drug is changing and in the future people will be less fearful," he added, referencing the fact that marijuana is still viewed mostly negatively by many people.
Marijuana cannabinoids help restore the body's own natural cellular abilitiesEver since researchers first discovered the existence of cannabinoid receptor systems in rat brains back in 1988, independent scientists largely unconcerned with the stigma of marijuana have been gradually forming a piecemeal understanding of how the system works, and how cannabinoids can help prevent and reverse all sorts of chronic conditions that result from a lack of these important compounds. Today, marijuana research is moving forward more strongly than ever, and this taboo plant is finally receiving proper recognition as the medical "superfood" that it truly is.
"Cannabis actually goes upstream, it provides feedback from the postsynaptic nerve to the presynaptic nerve, which is unheard of in neural chemistry," explains Dr. William Courtney, founder of the Cannabis International Foundation (CIF), which is actively working to consolidate all available and relevant science on marijuana's medical uses for the purpose of promoting a reformation in health maintenance, restoration, and wellness around the world.
"The phytocannabinoids from this plant augment the body's attempt to restore an increased function to a normal level. So [marijuana cannabinoids] mimic the regulatory system of cellular physiology."
You can learn more about the work of CIF, as well as watch a 15-minute introductory video into the group's work, entitled Leaf, by visiting:
One of the latest discoveries concerning cannabinoids involves their ability to act as antioxidants in the brain. Researchers from Germany found that the brain's cannabinoid system is fully capable of not only cleansing damaged brain cells from the brain, but also triggering the production of new brain cells within the brain, a concept that contradicts years of conventional thinking about how the brain works. Cannabinoids also supercharge mitochondria in the brain, which are the powerhouses of energy that maintain proper cell function.
Published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, these discoveries shed new insight on how natural marijuana cannabinoids hold the capacity to literally quell the brain inflammation responsible for causing cognitive decline, neural failure, and brain degeneration. By supplying these receptor sites with cannabinoids, patients may be able to overcome brain conditions like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and many other conditions, not to mention premature brain aging, all conditions for which modern science has failed to find real solutions.
"I've been trying to find a drug that will reduce brain inflammation and restore cognitive function in rats for over 25 years; cannabinoids are the first and only class of drugs that have ever been effective," said Gary Wenk, a professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio State University (OSU) who helped with the research. "I think that the perception about this drug is changing and in the future people will be less fearful," he added, referencing the fact that marijuana is still viewed mostly negatively by many people.
Marijuana cannabinoids help restore the body's own natural cellular abilitiesEver since researchers first discovered the existence of cannabinoid receptor systems in rat brains back in 1988, independent scientists largely unconcerned with the stigma of marijuana have been gradually forming a piecemeal understanding of how the system works, and how cannabinoids can help prevent and reverse all sorts of chronic conditions that result from a lack of these important compounds. Today, marijuana research is moving forward more strongly than ever, and this taboo plant is finally receiving proper recognition as the medical "superfood" that it truly is.
"Cannabis actually goes upstream, it provides feedback from the postsynaptic nerve to the presynaptic nerve, which is unheard of in neural chemistry," explains Dr. William Courtney, founder of the Cannabis International Foundation (CIF), which is actively working to consolidate all available and relevant science on marijuana's medical uses for the purpose of promoting a reformation in health maintenance, restoration, and wellness around the world.
"The phytocannabinoids from this plant augment the body's attempt to restore an increased function to a normal level. So [marijuana cannabinoids] mimic the regulatory system of cellular physiology."
You can learn more about the work of CIF, as well as watch a 15-minute introductory video into the group's work, entitled Leaf, by visiting:
Water fluoridation DEFEATED in Portland; citizens overwhelmingly reject dumping toxic fluoride chemicals into the water supply
Voters in Portland, Oregon solidly defeated a city-wide water fluoridation measure yesterday, with 60% of the voters saying "NO!" to the practice of adding toxic fluoride chemicals to the water.
The result is a huge victory for and all the men, women and children of Portland who can now rest easier, knowing their tap water is not intentionally poisoned with cancer-causing chemicals derived from industrial waste and mislabeled "fluoride."
The defeat of the measure absolutely infuriated fluoride-pushing doctors and dentists, many of whom resorted to using outrageous lies and dirty tricks during the entire campaign. These lies include whoppers like, "Drinking fluoride has never harmed anyone" and "this is naturally-occurring fluoride, therefore it's safe."
Fluoride advocates reject real scienceNowhere is there a more obscene departure from real science than in the "scientific" community of fluoride pushers. These people very well know that all sorts of "naturally-occurring" elements in the table of elements are extremely toxic to the human body. Mercury is toxic, yet it occurs naturally. Arsenic is highly toxic, yet it occurs naturally as well. I dare any of these fluoride pushers to chug a glass containing lead or cadmium.
To claim that fluoride is healthful merely because it is found in water wells and the Earth's crust is an outrageously evil deception. Fluoride POISONS water wells around the world, and populations go to great lengths to try to remove it from their water! Fluoride pushers know this, but they seem to be determined to make sure as many people as possible are harmed through fluoridation, possibly as a way to make sure there's more medical business in the future due to toxic fluoride side effects.
"Fluoride" is actually a toxic combination of chemicals and heavy metalsMost of the fluoride dumped into U.S. water supplies, by the way, is imported from China. And it just happens to be heavily contaminated with lead, arsenic, cadmium and other toxic metals. No city in the United States tests its fluoride for these contaminants and openly publicizes the results. It's all one big toxic secret, and the doctors and dentists who support fluoridation want to make sure it stays that way.
Shhh! Science isn't allowed when we discuss fluoride! You're supposed to just buy into the "cult" of it, without asking any scientific questions.
But even environmental groups understand this stuff is highly toxic. "...there is no safe exposure level for arsenic and lead," said Antonia Giedwoyn, a Sierra Club spokeswoman in Portland. "Why would we want to add any level of heavy metals to our water, that our kids and our parents and we ourselves drink?"
Fluoridation proponents are some of the most dangerous, life-hating people you'll ever meetBy the way, in my more than ten years of being an investigative reporter, activist and pioneer in online health news and information, I have never met a more arrogant, insidious and life-hating group of people than those who push for water fluoridation. Across the board, these people behave like psychopathic criminals who want to unleash death and destruction across every city in the world. They are very much like the "mad scientists" that Batman defeats in major motion pictures. They've abandoned any desire to listen to reason or logic, and they don't even recognize real science anymore.
They remind me of Dr. Gosnell, the abortionist doctor in Philadelphia who would murder babies after they were born alive by severing their spinal columns with scissors. He called it "post-birth abortion" with the same level of evil arrogance that doctors in Portland used to call mass poisoning "water fluoridation." I am absolutely convinced that if you gave some of these fluoride-pushing doctors a couple of pairs of scissors, they would run around Portland stabbing infants in the neck if they thought they could get away with it. They might even call it something like, "Pre-emptive brain cancer prevention."
The result is a huge victory for and all the men, women and children of Portland who can now rest easier, knowing their tap water is not intentionally poisoned with cancer-causing chemicals derived from industrial waste and mislabeled "fluoride."
The defeat of the measure absolutely infuriated fluoride-pushing doctors and dentists, many of whom resorted to using outrageous lies and dirty tricks during the entire campaign. These lies include whoppers like, "Drinking fluoride has never harmed anyone" and "this is naturally-occurring fluoride, therefore it's safe."
Fluoride advocates reject real scienceNowhere is there a more obscene departure from real science than in the "scientific" community of fluoride pushers. These people very well know that all sorts of "naturally-occurring" elements in the table of elements are extremely toxic to the human body. Mercury is toxic, yet it occurs naturally. Arsenic is highly toxic, yet it occurs naturally as well. I dare any of these fluoride pushers to chug a glass containing lead or cadmium.
To claim that fluoride is healthful merely because it is found in water wells and the Earth's crust is an outrageously evil deception. Fluoride POISONS water wells around the world, and populations go to great lengths to try to remove it from their water! Fluoride pushers know this, but they seem to be determined to make sure as many people as possible are harmed through fluoridation, possibly as a way to make sure there's more medical business in the future due to toxic fluoride side effects.
"Fluoride" is actually a toxic combination of chemicals and heavy metalsMost of the fluoride dumped into U.S. water supplies, by the way, is imported from China. And it just happens to be heavily contaminated with lead, arsenic, cadmium and other toxic metals. No city in the United States tests its fluoride for these contaminants and openly publicizes the results. It's all one big toxic secret, and the doctors and dentists who support fluoridation want to make sure it stays that way.
Shhh! Science isn't allowed when we discuss fluoride! You're supposed to just buy into the "cult" of it, without asking any scientific questions.
But even environmental groups understand this stuff is highly toxic. "...there is no safe exposure level for arsenic and lead," said Antonia Giedwoyn, a Sierra Club spokeswoman in Portland. "Why would we want to add any level of heavy metals to our water, that our kids and our parents and we ourselves drink?"
Fluoridation proponents are some of the most dangerous, life-hating people you'll ever meetBy the way, in my more than ten years of being an investigative reporter, activist and pioneer in online health news and information, I have never met a more arrogant, insidious and life-hating group of people than those who push for water fluoridation. Across the board, these people behave like psychopathic criminals who want to unleash death and destruction across every city in the world. They are very much like the "mad scientists" that Batman defeats in major motion pictures. They've abandoned any desire to listen to reason or logic, and they don't even recognize real science anymore.
They remind me of Dr. Gosnell, the abortionist doctor in Philadelphia who would murder babies after they were born alive by severing their spinal columns with scissors. He called it "post-birth abortion" with the same level of evil arrogance that doctors in Portland used to call mass poisoning "water fluoridation." I am absolutely convinced that if you gave some of these fluoride-pushing doctors a couple of pairs of scissors, they would run around Portland stabbing infants in the neck if they thought they could get away with it. They might even call it something like, "Pre-emptive brain cancer prevention."
Global warming debunked: NASA report verifies carbon dioxide actually cools atmosphere
Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA's Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it, based on the latest evidence.
As reported by Principia Scientific International (PSI), Martin Mlynczak and his colleagues over at NASA tracked infrared emissions from the earth's upper atmosphere during and following a recent solar storm that took place between March 8-10. What they found was that the vast majority of energy released from the sun during this immense coronal mass ejection (CME) was reflected back up into space rather than deposited into earth's lower atmosphere.
The result was an overall cooling effect that completely contradicts claims made by NASA's own climatology division that greenhouse gases are a cause of global warming. As illustrated by data collected using Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER), both carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), which are abundant in the earth's upper atmosphere, greenhouse gases reflect heating energy rather than absorb it.
"Carbon dioxide and nitric oxide are natural thermostats," says James Russell from Hampton University, who was one of the lead investigators for the groundbreaking SABER study. "When the upper atmosphere (or 'thermosphere') heats up, these molecules try as hard as they can to shed that heat back into space."
Almost all 'heating' radiation generated by sun is blocked from entering lower atmosphere by CO2According to the data, up to 95 percent of solar radiation is literally bounced back into space by both CO2 and NO in the upper atmosphere. Without these necessary elements, in other words, the earth would be capable of absorbing potentially devastating amounts of solar energy that would truly melt the polar ice caps and destroy the planet.
"The shock revelation starkly contradicts the core proposition of the so-called greenhouse gas theory which claims that more CO2 means more warming for our planet," write H. Schreuder and J. O'Sullivan for PSI. "[T]his compelling new NASA data disproves that notion and is a huge embarrassment for NASA's chief climatologist, Dr. James Hansen and his team over at NASA's GISS."
Dr. Hansen, of course, is an outspoken global warming activist who helped spark man-made climate change hysteria in the U.S. back in 1988. Just after the release of the new SABER study, however, Dr. Hansen conveniently retired from his career as a climatologist at NASA, and reportedly now plans to spend his time "on science," and on "drawing attention to [its] implications for young people."
You can read more details of the new NASA SABER study by visiting:
As reported by Principia Scientific International (PSI), Martin Mlynczak and his colleagues over at NASA tracked infrared emissions from the earth's upper atmosphere during and following a recent solar storm that took place between March 8-10. What they found was that the vast majority of energy released from the sun during this immense coronal mass ejection (CME) was reflected back up into space rather than deposited into earth's lower atmosphere.
The result was an overall cooling effect that completely contradicts claims made by NASA's own climatology division that greenhouse gases are a cause of global warming. As illustrated by data collected using Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER), both carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), which are abundant in the earth's upper atmosphere, greenhouse gases reflect heating energy rather than absorb it.
"Carbon dioxide and nitric oxide are natural thermostats," says James Russell from Hampton University, who was one of the lead investigators for the groundbreaking SABER study. "When the upper atmosphere (or 'thermosphere') heats up, these molecules try as hard as they can to shed that heat back into space."
Almost all 'heating' radiation generated by sun is blocked from entering lower atmosphere by CO2According to the data, up to 95 percent of solar radiation is literally bounced back into space by both CO2 and NO in the upper atmosphere. Without these necessary elements, in other words, the earth would be capable of absorbing potentially devastating amounts of solar energy that would truly melt the polar ice caps and destroy the planet.
"The shock revelation starkly contradicts the core proposition of the so-called greenhouse gas theory which claims that more CO2 means more warming for our planet," write H. Schreuder and J. O'Sullivan for PSI. "[T]his compelling new NASA data disproves that notion and is a huge embarrassment for NASA's chief climatologist, Dr. James Hansen and his team over at NASA's GISS."
Dr. Hansen, of course, is an outspoken global warming activist who helped spark man-made climate change hysteria in the U.S. back in 1988. Just after the release of the new SABER study, however, Dr. Hansen conveniently retired from his career as a climatologist at NASA, and reportedly now plans to spend his time "on science," and on "drawing attention to [its] implications for young people."
You can read more details of the new NASA SABER study by visiting:
List of dangerous antidepressants that cause sudden death is rapidly expanding
The list of antidepressants that can cause sudden death is growing exponentially, with citalopram - under the brand names Celexa and Cipramil - the latest such drug to be added, according to a new study.
The research, published recently in the British Medical Journal, revealed that the drug tends to cause a lengthening of the Q-T interval, a part of the cycle of heart beat measured by an electrocardiogram, or what is more commonly known as an EKG or ECG. Indeed, a number of drugs are known for creating this phenomenon, the most notable among them being methadone, which has been documented as causing sudden death in some patients, especially when dosages are increased too rapidly.
"There are no symptoms indicating a risk. A perfectly normal person will literally drop dead," writes Heidi Stevenson at
A silent killer
The heartbeat is regulated by a series of electrical pulses, and key points of the pattern printed on an EKG are labeled P, Q, R, S, T. If the time between the Q and T waves is lengthened, it is referred to as "Q-T elongation," or a prolonged Q-T segment; the only way to know if it is occurring; however, is with an EKG.
"There are generally no external clues, so outside of testing, you would have no way of knowing that you've been affected," Stevenson writes.
Researchers, in their report, were specific about the risk of sudden death associated with Celexa; the larger the dose, the greater the risk. Also, they noted that the Food and Drug Administration has said, "Citalopram causes dose-dependent QT interval prolongation. Citalopram should no longer be prescribed at doses greater than 40 mg per day."
That claim is supported in Medscape's drug reference for citalopram. "Doses above 40 mg/day are not recommended because of risk for QT prolongation without additional benefit for treating depression," says the reference.
In performing their study, researchers examined 38,397 adults who were either taking an antidepressant or methadone at some time between February 1990 and August 2011, a period of more than two decades. Antidepressants taken during that period by the patients involved in the study include citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), amitriptyline, bupropion (Zyban), duloxetine (Cymbalta), mirtazapine (Remeron), nortriptyline, and venlafaxine (Effexor).
Each participant received an EKG 14-90 days after they had taken their prescribed medication. Researchers found that all antidepressants affect the A-T interval in some manner, though methadone affected it more significantly by a great amount.
In one drug, however - bupropion (Zyban) - had the opposite effect. The Q-T interval was shortened. But a shorter Q-T interval, by comparison, can also cause heart arrhythmias and fainting, conditions which can also lead to sudden death.
Earlier research found a similar connection
The worst antidepressants - those which lengthened the Q-T interval the most, on average - were citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), and amitriptyline, researchers said. Overall, one in five subjects taking these drugs experienced abnormal EKGs, and specifically longer Q-T intervals. Researchers said the clinical significance of these findings; however, is as yet unknown.
Writes Stevenson:
We do know that an extended QT interval can result in sudden death. In reality, this doesn't happen often - though no one can quantify the frequency of death. So, it seems that the only ethical approach is to inform people of the potential risk of sudden death by taking these drugs.
But we already know that genuine informed consent almost never happens. People are routinely told that the risk is minimal and the specifics are not stated. Ultimately, though, the only one who lives the results are the person inside your own skin.
Earlier research also found that antidepressants caused a lengthening of the Q-T interval. In 2004, Dr. Dan M. Roden, of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, writing in The New England Journal of Medicine, said that, in the previous decade, "the single most common cause of the withdrawal or restriction of the use of drugs that have already been marketed has been the prolongation of the QT interval," which can be "fatal."
The research, published recently in the British Medical Journal, revealed that the drug tends to cause a lengthening of the Q-T interval, a part of the cycle of heart beat measured by an electrocardiogram, or what is more commonly known as an EKG or ECG. Indeed, a number of drugs are known for creating this phenomenon, the most notable among them being methadone, which has been documented as causing sudden death in some patients, especially when dosages are increased too rapidly.
"There are no symptoms indicating a risk. A perfectly normal person will literally drop dead," writes Heidi Stevenson at
A silent killer
The heartbeat is regulated by a series of electrical pulses, and key points of the pattern printed on an EKG are labeled P, Q, R, S, T. If the time between the Q and T waves is lengthened, it is referred to as "Q-T elongation," or a prolonged Q-T segment; the only way to know if it is occurring; however, is with an EKG.
"There are generally no external clues, so outside of testing, you would have no way of knowing that you've been affected," Stevenson writes.
Researchers, in their report, were specific about the risk of sudden death associated with Celexa; the larger the dose, the greater the risk. Also, they noted that the Food and Drug Administration has said, "Citalopram causes dose-dependent QT interval prolongation. Citalopram should no longer be prescribed at doses greater than 40 mg per day."
That claim is supported in Medscape's drug reference for citalopram. "Doses above 40 mg/day are not recommended because of risk for QT prolongation without additional benefit for treating depression," says the reference.
In performing their study, researchers examined 38,397 adults who were either taking an antidepressant or methadone at some time between February 1990 and August 2011, a period of more than two decades. Antidepressants taken during that period by the patients involved in the study include citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), amitriptyline, bupropion (Zyban), duloxetine (Cymbalta), mirtazapine (Remeron), nortriptyline, and venlafaxine (Effexor).
Each participant received an EKG 14-90 days after they had taken their prescribed medication. Researchers found that all antidepressants affect the A-T interval in some manner, though methadone affected it more significantly by a great amount.
In one drug, however - bupropion (Zyban) - had the opposite effect. The Q-T interval was shortened. But a shorter Q-T interval, by comparison, can also cause heart arrhythmias and fainting, conditions which can also lead to sudden death.
Earlier research found a similar connection
The worst antidepressants - those which lengthened the Q-T interval the most, on average - were citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), and amitriptyline, researchers said. Overall, one in five subjects taking these drugs experienced abnormal EKGs, and specifically longer Q-T intervals. Researchers said the clinical significance of these findings; however, is as yet unknown.
Writes Stevenson:
We do know that an extended QT interval can result in sudden death. In reality, this doesn't happen often - though no one can quantify the frequency of death. So, it seems that the only ethical approach is to inform people of the potential risk of sudden death by taking these drugs.
But we already know that genuine informed consent almost never happens. People are routinely told that the risk is minimal and the specifics are not stated. Ultimately, though, the only one who lives the results are the person inside your own skin.
Earlier research also found that antidepressants caused a lengthening of the Q-T interval. In 2004, Dr. Dan M. Roden, of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, writing in The New England Journal of Medicine, said that, in the previous decade, "the single most common cause of the withdrawal or restriction of the use of drugs that have already been marketed has been the prolongation of the QT interval," which can be "fatal."
India: We Will Not Allow Dolphinariums
The Indian Ministry of Forests and Environment has released an official statement indicating that dolphin captivity will not be welcome anywhere in the nation.
The anticipated announcement comes on the heels of other recent Indian governmental decisions stating opposition of dolphin captivity. The Ministry's statement that they "have decided not to allow establishment of dolphinarium in the country" will help to discourage any such development from taking place, on the grounds that keeping dolphins captive has been proven as being cruel and morally reprehensible - arguments that have been made by groups such as the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organizations, Whale and Dolphin Conservation and Humane Society International.
The Ministry notes increasing worldwide efforts to bestow basic rights onto dolphins, such as the rights to life, liberty and bodily integrity. "Various scientists... have suggested that the unusually high intelligence... means that dolphins should be seen as "nonhuman persons" and as such should have their own specific rights... (it is) morally unacceptable to keep them for captive entertainment purposes."
The statement also concedes that cetaceans are "highly intelligent and sensitive " which makes their confinement all the more painful to bear - claims which are backed by years of scientific study. Many dolphins in captivity today are captured from the wild, separated from their family members and are often forced to watch them be slaughtered before their eyes. These traumatic events, compounded with the complete lack of freedom in captivity, take heavy tolls that contribute to shortened lifespans and the proliferation of disease.
The Ministry's decision is lauded by organizations and individuals around the world. Ric O'Barry, director of Dolphin Project applauds India's position: "This is a huge win for dolphins. Not only have they spoken out against cruelty, they have contributed to an emerging and vital dialogue about the ways we think about dolphins - as thinking, feeling beings rather than pieces of property to make money off of."
This decision sets an important precedent that other nations are now challenged to follow. India has solidified their position as a world leader in dolphin welfare.
The anticipated announcement comes on the heels of other recent Indian governmental decisions stating opposition of dolphin captivity. The Ministry's statement that they "have decided not to allow establishment of dolphinarium in the country" will help to discourage any such development from taking place, on the grounds that keeping dolphins captive has been proven as being cruel and morally reprehensible - arguments that have been made by groups such as the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organizations, Whale and Dolphin Conservation and Humane Society International.
The Ministry notes increasing worldwide efforts to bestow basic rights onto dolphins, such as the rights to life, liberty and bodily integrity. "Various scientists... have suggested that the unusually high intelligence... means that dolphins should be seen as "nonhuman persons" and as such should have their own specific rights... (it is) morally unacceptable to keep them for captive entertainment purposes."
The statement also concedes that cetaceans are "highly intelligent and sensitive " which makes their confinement all the more painful to bear - claims which are backed by years of scientific study. Many dolphins in captivity today are captured from the wild, separated from their family members and are often forced to watch them be slaughtered before their eyes. These traumatic events, compounded with the complete lack of freedom in captivity, take heavy tolls that contribute to shortened lifespans and the proliferation of disease.
The Ministry's decision is lauded by organizations and individuals around the world. Ric O'Barry, director of Dolphin Project applauds India's position: "This is a huge win for dolphins. Not only have they spoken out against cruelty, they have contributed to an emerging and vital dialogue about the ways we think about dolphins - as thinking, feeling beings rather than pieces of property to make money off of."
This decision sets an important precedent that other nations are now challenged to follow. India has solidified their position as a world leader in dolphin welfare.
Devastating tornado in Oklahoma begs the question: Why don't schools and families build tornado shelters anymore?
A mile-wide tornado with 200mph winds tore through the suburbs of Oklahoma yesterday, killing 51 people and broadcasting a rude reminder of the fragility of human life and human civilization. Here at Natural News, our hearts go out to the family members of those killed in the storm, and we hope some lessons can be learned from this that will save other lives in the future.
But wait a second, you can't stop a tornado, right?
Of course you cant. But you can prepare for a tornado, and here's where we get into a discussion that the mainstream media won't dare touch because it's not "politically correct" to have an intelligent discussion about any of this.
But here's the question we need to ask if we're going to save lives: How many of those who were killed in the tornado knew there was a tornado warning in place but did nothing to move to a safe shelter? Obviously this question doesn't apply to all the children who were killed, as they are not responsible for their own actions. (Their parents are.) But how many adults actually took the tornado warnings seriously and sought adequate shelter?
Because here's the simple, raw, undeniable truth of the matter: People who seek shelter vastly reduce their chances of becoming fatalities during any disaster. Tornados and hurricanes, in particular, come with advance warnings. They aren't like earthquakes that suddenly appear without any warning at all. Tornados usually give you minutes or even hours of advance notice. Hurricanes give you days of advance notice.
And yet, even when huge hurricanes are approaching their target, many people deny the danger and take no precautions at all!
Survivability vs. tornadoes is 80% preparedness and 20% luckTo be clear what I'm saying here, you can never control 100% of your risk or outcomes in a natural disaster, but through smart preparedness strategies, you can very often control 80% or more.
Taking tornados as an example, there is a reason why Oklahomans have, for generations, built "storm shelters" where they could retreat to survive an approaching storm. The photo on the right, for example, shows a low-tech, high-survivability storm shelter that can easily be installed in almost any yard.
Storm shelters offer almost 100% survivability against tornados. Tornados cannot penetrate underground, after all. If YOU are underground, even in a small, cramped storm shelter that's just two meters wide and two meters tall, you have an almost 100% chance of emerging from the storm completely unhurt.
Most fatalities in tornados happen because people are killed from flying debris. You might even call it "wind shrapnel." Take a bunch of lumber, aluminum siding, bricks and roof trusses and accelerate them to 200 mph and you have a deadly weapon that will kill almost anyone it touches. But put your body just three feet underground -- in a tornado shelter -- and all that debris flies right past you, harmlessly above your shelter.
America has become a culture of short-term thinkersInvesting in a storm shelter, however, requires forethought. It requires long-term planning, and the culture of America has radically shifted away from long-term planning to short-term thinking. This is evident in our national debt spending, national politics, consumer behavior, education system and everything else.
Housing companies that build homes in Oklahoma, Kansas, Northern Texas and other "tornado alley" zones don't even offer storm shelters. Most home buyers don't want storm shelters because they aren't long-term thinkers. But consider the facts: If you live in Oklahoma, you have to realize the area is going to be struck by devastating tornados sooner or later.
People who buy homes in pine tree forests, similarly, would be insane to believe that forest won't one day burn up all around them. (All forests burn sooner or later.)
People who live in Los Angeles have to be aware they're living in an earthquake zone, and folks who have homes in Florida must certainly realize they are sooner or later going to get hit with category 5 hurricanes.
This isn't rocket science. No one who lives in Kansas, Oklahoma or Texas can claim to have been "caught by surprise" when these repeating natural disasters strike. To live in these areas is to live with the ever-present knowledge that such risks will never go away. My hope is that more and more of these people will take seriously the importance of personal preparedness so that more lives can be saved as these repeating disasters continue to unfold.
Americans rarely seek shelter from storms, but they gladly "shelter in place" when government warns them about terroristsIf you really want to get Americans to take cover and seek shelter, tell them there's an armed teenager running loose in their city, tossing pressure cookers everywhere. The people will immediately and obediently follow orders and seek cover in their homes.
But tell them there's a category 5 hurricane about to strike their city, and they'll ignore the warnings while calling a bunch of friends over for a "hurricane party."
Making matters worse, local governments rarely invest in the construction of buildings that can serve as effective shelters against oncoming storms. Many of the children killed in Oklahoma yesterday, for example, were killed by collapsing roofs of schools.
Read this description from Fox News:
Television footage on Monday afternoon showed homes and buildings that had been reduced to rubble in Moore, which is south of Oklahoma City. Footage also showed vehicles littering roadways south and southwest of Oklahoma City. At the Plaza Towers Elementary School, students were hugging and clinging to the walls of the school as the tornado passed over, KFOR reports. An Associated Press photographer saw several children being pulled out of what was left of the school. The school's roof appeared mangled and the walls had fallen in or had collapsed.
Dare I ask the question: Why didn't that school have a basement for sheltering the children?
The answer is devastatingly simple: Because even local governments in Oklahoma -- where tornados are a predictable repeating threat -- often don't think long-term enough to invest in basement shelters for their own children. If they had, those children could have simply been led into the basement and they would all still be alive today. (Tornados don't rip apart properly-constructed basement shelters.)
Sometimes more people die than should haveMy message in all this? In every natural disaster, more people die than should have died. I'm not blaming everyone who died for their own death, because there's always that 20% "luck" factor when it comes to storm and disasters. Sometimes people are literally killed due to no fault of their own. Sometimes people who prepare still get caught by unexpected random events. But across the board, at least 80% of your "risk" in a natural disaster is under your own control.
Is the TV news warning about an approaching tornado? Seek out an underground shelter and stay there until the storm passes.
Is the National Weather Service warning about an approaching hurricane? Evacuate early and get out of the way of the storm.
Worried about earthquakes? Carry emergency supplies in your car, in your basement and even simple items on your person (like a flashlight and seatbelt cutter).
No matter what risks you face in your particular geographic area, there are smart, effective ways to drastically reduce your risk of being victimized by disasters.
Nearly all "natural" disasters are repeating, predictable events that occur over and over again in the same geographic areas. People who build homes in flood plains should never be surprised when their homes flood. People who build homes in forests should never be surprised when those forests burn. People who live in Oklahoma should always be prepared for tornados.
Did you know that the simple act of crawling into a roadway culvert can save your life from a tornado? Even lying in a ditch is often a far better strategy than hiding inside a building that can't handle the wind loads. There are many, many ways to protect yourself and your family members from tornados, hurricanes and other natural disasters. But you've got to take the idea of preparedness seriously...
... and most people simply won't do that. It takes too much effort to plan ahead.
But wait a second, you can't stop a tornado, right?
Of course you cant. But you can prepare for a tornado, and here's where we get into a discussion that the mainstream media won't dare touch because it's not "politically correct" to have an intelligent discussion about any of this.
But here's the question we need to ask if we're going to save lives: How many of those who were killed in the tornado knew there was a tornado warning in place but did nothing to move to a safe shelter? Obviously this question doesn't apply to all the children who were killed, as they are not responsible for their own actions. (Their parents are.) But how many adults actually took the tornado warnings seriously and sought adequate shelter?
Because here's the simple, raw, undeniable truth of the matter: People who seek shelter vastly reduce their chances of becoming fatalities during any disaster. Tornados and hurricanes, in particular, come with advance warnings. They aren't like earthquakes that suddenly appear without any warning at all. Tornados usually give you minutes or even hours of advance notice. Hurricanes give you days of advance notice.
And yet, even when huge hurricanes are approaching their target, many people deny the danger and take no precautions at all!
Survivability vs. tornadoes is 80% preparedness and 20% luckTo be clear what I'm saying here, you can never control 100% of your risk or outcomes in a natural disaster, but through smart preparedness strategies, you can very often control 80% or more.
Taking tornados as an example, there is a reason why Oklahomans have, for generations, built "storm shelters" where they could retreat to survive an approaching storm. The photo on the right, for example, shows a low-tech, high-survivability storm shelter that can easily be installed in almost any yard.
Storm shelters offer almost 100% survivability against tornados. Tornados cannot penetrate underground, after all. If YOU are underground, even in a small, cramped storm shelter that's just two meters wide and two meters tall, you have an almost 100% chance of emerging from the storm completely unhurt.
Most fatalities in tornados happen because people are killed from flying debris. You might even call it "wind shrapnel." Take a bunch of lumber, aluminum siding, bricks and roof trusses and accelerate them to 200 mph and you have a deadly weapon that will kill almost anyone it touches. But put your body just three feet underground -- in a tornado shelter -- and all that debris flies right past you, harmlessly above your shelter.
America has become a culture of short-term thinkersInvesting in a storm shelter, however, requires forethought. It requires long-term planning, and the culture of America has radically shifted away from long-term planning to short-term thinking. This is evident in our national debt spending, national politics, consumer behavior, education system and everything else.
Housing companies that build homes in Oklahoma, Kansas, Northern Texas and other "tornado alley" zones don't even offer storm shelters. Most home buyers don't want storm shelters because they aren't long-term thinkers. But consider the facts: If you live in Oklahoma, you have to realize the area is going to be struck by devastating tornados sooner or later.
People who buy homes in pine tree forests, similarly, would be insane to believe that forest won't one day burn up all around them. (All forests burn sooner or later.)
People who live in Los Angeles have to be aware they're living in an earthquake zone, and folks who have homes in Florida must certainly realize they are sooner or later going to get hit with category 5 hurricanes.
This isn't rocket science. No one who lives in Kansas, Oklahoma or Texas can claim to have been "caught by surprise" when these repeating natural disasters strike. To live in these areas is to live with the ever-present knowledge that such risks will never go away. My hope is that more and more of these people will take seriously the importance of personal preparedness so that more lives can be saved as these repeating disasters continue to unfold.
Americans rarely seek shelter from storms, but they gladly "shelter in place" when government warns them about terroristsIf you really want to get Americans to take cover and seek shelter, tell them there's an armed teenager running loose in their city, tossing pressure cookers everywhere. The people will immediately and obediently follow orders and seek cover in their homes.
But tell them there's a category 5 hurricane about to strike their city, and they'll ignore the warnings while calling a bunch of friends over for a "hurricane party."
Making matters worse, local governments rarely invest in the construction of buildings that can serve as effective shelters against oncoming storms. Many of the children killed in Oklahoma yesterday, for example, were killed by collapsing roofs of schools.
Read this description from Fox News:
Television footage on Monday afternoon showed homes and buildings that had been reduced to rubble in Moore, which is south of Oklahoma City. Footage also showed vehicles littering roadways south and southwest of Oklahoma City. At the Plaza Towers Elementary School, students were hugging and clinging to the walls of the school as the tornado passed over, KFOR reports. An Associated Press photographer saw several children being pulled out of what was left of the school. The school's roof appeared mangled and the walls had fallen in or had collapsed.
Dare I ask the question: Why didn't that school have a basement for sheltering the children?
The answer is devastatingly simple: Because even local governments in Oklahoma -- where tornados are a predictable repeating threat -- often don't think long-term enough to invest in basement shelters for their own children. If they had, those children could have simply been led into the basement and they would all still be alive today. (Tornados don't rip apart properly-constructed basement shelters.)
Sometimes more people die than should haveMy message in all this? In every natural disaster, more people die than should have died. I'm not blaming everyone who died for their own death, because there's always that 20% "luck" factor when it comes to storm and disasters. Sometimes people are literally killed due to no fault of their own. Sometimes people who prepare still get caught by unexpected random events. But across the board, at least 80% of your "risk" in a natural disaster is under your own control.
Is the TV news warning about an approaching tornado? Seek out an underground shelter and stay there until the storm passes.
Is the National Weather Service warning about an approaching hurricane? Evacuate early and get out of the way of the storm.
Worried about earthquakes? Carry emergency supplies in your car, in your basement and even simple items on your person (like a flashlight and seatbelt cutter).
No matter what risks you face in your particular geographic area, there are smart, effective ways to drastically reduce your risk of being victimized by disasters.
Nearly all "natural" disasters are repeating, predictable events that occur over and over again in the same geographic areas. People who build homes in flood plains should never be surprised when their homes flood. People who build homes in forests should never be surprised when those forests burn. People who live in Oklahoma should always be prepared for tornados.
Did you know that the simple act of crawling into a roadway culvert can save your life from a tornado? Even lying in a ditch is often a far better strategy than hiding inside a building that can't handle the wind loads. There are many, many ways to protect yourself and your family members from tornados, hurricanes and other natural disasters. But you've got to take the idea of preparedness seriously...
... and most people simply won't do that. It takes too much effort to plan ahead.
Angelina Jolie backlash grows as everyday moms blast elitist double mastectomy as affordable only by ultra rich
"That's good for her; she's got the best health care and she's got money. She doesn't have to worry about taking off of work. She doesn't have to worry about taking care of her family, cooking or cleaning -- the things that the normal woman would have to do," said Debbie Gentile-Abbood in a NY Post article.
Gentile-Abbood went on to explain that normal working moms don't have the huge wealth that Jolie will obviously use to undergo top-notch reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Nor do everyday working moms have the ability to just take off a couple of months from work to undergo the procedures. While Jolie can spend millions of dollars to get her breasts worked on and re-shaped to be fit for the big screen, everyday working moms don't have millions of dollars lying around to spend on their breasts.
She also tears into Angelina Jolie's fear mongering campaign that has already frightened countless women into thinking their own breasts might kill them. "What am I supposed to do? Sit around every day and worry that I'm going to get cancer?"
Angelina Jolie's elitist attitude offending women everywhere Look at the Facebook comments on some of the recent articles Natural News has posted about Angelina Jolie and you'll find a common thread: Women are deeply offended by the idea that they should cut off their perfectly healthy breasts as some sort of bizarre medical self-mutilation ritual to "prevent" a disease they don't even have.
For starters, the mutilation of women by cutting out their breasts strikes hard at the female identity. Breasts help give nourishment to newborn babies, and they carry lymph nodes that are an integral part of the immune system. Surgically removing breasts leaves scar tissue, numbness and pain. While this might arguably be acceptable if aggressive cancer is diagnosed to already exist in the breast tissue (although even then, there are better options that don't harm the patient), it seems bizarre and even insane to remove healthy breasts that have no sign of disease.
If Jolie's P.R. stunt -- simultaneously synchronized with People Magazine and TIME Magazine -- was designed to try to convince everyday women that they all need to have their genes tested and their breasts removed, then it has failed miserably. If anything, it has raised more questions about the true motivations of the for-profit cancer industry and the way in which corporations claim monopoly ownership over human genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2). It has also called into question Jolie's state of mind.
China food scandal: Rat meat sold as lamb meat
BEIJING - China has detained 900 people for meat-related crimes including selling rat and fox meat as beef and mutton, the public security ministry said, in another blow to the nation's food safety.
Food investigations: Welch's fruit juice cocktails contain more corn than fruit: 80% water and high fructose corn syrup
If you buy fruit juices at your local grocery store, you might notice the Welch's brand juices sold in refrigerated cartons. Welch's calls them "refrigerated cocktails" and offers exotic-sounding flavors like Strawberry Peach, Dragon Fruit Mango Cocktail and Orange Pineapple Apple.
These products are aggressively marketed with pictures of splashy fruit and loud label claims like "Fruity and Refreshing!" But what Welch's doesn't reveal anywhere except in the fine print on its ingredients label is that these juice cocktails contain more high fructose corn syrup than fruit.
In fat, they contain so much high fructose corn syrup that the front label should actually show chunks of corn rather than the fruit they currently depict.
Is this corn syrup derived from GMO corn? See below for more...
Deceptively marketed and labeled A Natural News investigation concludes that Welch's refrigerated cocktails are deceptively labeled and marketed. The Welch's website, for starters, hides the ingredients list from consumers, showing nutrition facts but not ingredients. High fructose corn syrup only shows up under ingredients, not nutrition facts.
The front label of Welch's Strawberry Peach product uses the phrase, "Fruity & Refreshing" in a prominent position on the label. But if this claim were accurate, it would actually say, "Corny & Refreshing" because it's made more from corn than fruit.
The front label (see picture below) also intentionally leaves out any mention of corn syrup even though high fructose corn syrup is the second most prominent ingredient of the product, right after water. It says:
Strawberry Peach flavored fruit juice cocktail blend made with apple, pear, strawberry and peach juices from concentrate.
No mention of corn.
The back label (see image below) begins with a giant, all-caps "LOVE" statement, jumping on the bandwagon of trying to associate LOVE with its product, even though no rational person would use the word "LOVE" to describe a highly refined liquid sugar that has been repeatedly linked to diabetes and obesity.
Welch's annual report admits it is aware that consumers seek to avoid HFCSAll this corn syrup is being pushed as fruit juice despite the fact that Welch's 2012 annual report openly admits the company is fully aware that consumers are attempting to avoid high fructose corn syrup.
It reads:
"Our mid-priced essentials line continued to grow in FY '12 with its powerful message -- no high fructose corn syrup."
The context of this statement clearly implies that "no high fructose corn syrup" is a benefit of its essentials line of products. Yet, simultaneously, Welch's continues to promote other products that contain alarming proportions of HFCS while avoiding any mention of corn on the front label.
80% water and corn syrup!Only when you get to the back label do you learn that these Welch's fruit juice cocktails -- which are heavily adorned with photos and words that describe and imply "fruit" -- are actually 80% water and corn syrup.
The first two ingredients are Filtered Water (i.e. tap water) and High Fructose Corn Syrup. An easy-to-miss bit of text admits, "Contains 20% juice," meaning 80% of the beverage is not juice.
Nowhere does the product claim to be free of GMOs. As the vast majority of high fructose corn syrup produced in North America is derived from genetically modified corn, it is very likely that the HFCS used by Welch's is actually GMO. A genetic test would not confirm this, however, as the heavy processing of HFCS destroys genetic integrity, rendering genetic ID tests useless.
Here are the photos of the label: (story continues below)
Deceptive labeling pushes more high fructose corn syrup to childrenWelch's fruit juice cocktails are depicted as if they were nothing but fruit juice. The photos, descriptive text and website text all imply they are made of nothing other than fruit juices. Nowhere on the product front label, website or promotional materials is corn depicted at all.
When consumers shop for fruit juices at their local grocery stores, they are easily misled by deceptive labeling practices such as those used by Welch's. Consumers use the pictures and prominent text on the front of the product as their primary cues to determine the composition of the product, and if that product label primarily depicts fruit and fruit juices, a typical consumer will incorrectly assume the product is primarily made of fruit and fruit juices. That same consumer will typically have no idea the product contains more corn derivatives than fruit juice.
Most consumers -- especially parents -- are actively trying to avoid high fructose corn syrup. This is often the reason why they choose fruit juice instead of sodas, as a matter of fact. Yet if they reach for Welch's juice cocktails, they are getting the exact same refined liquid sugar they were trying to avoid by choosing juice instead of soda!
Here at Natural News, we think Welch's should be ashamed of itself for pushing water and high fructose corn syrup as a fruit juice beverage. Its labeling practices deceive rather than inform consumers.
These products are aggressively marketed with pictures of splashy fruit and loud label claims like "Fruity and Refreshing!" But what Welch's doesn't reveal anywhere except in the fine print on its ingredients label is that these juice cocktails contain more high fructose corn syrup than fruit.
In fat, they contain so much high fructose corn syrup that the front label should actually show chunks of corn rather than the fruit they currently depict.
Is this corn syrup derived from GMO corn? See below for more...
Deceptively marketed and labeled A Natural News investigation concludes that Welch's refrigerated cocktails are deceptively labeled and marketed. The Welch's website, for starters, hides the ingredients list from consumers, showing nutrition facts but not ingredients. High fructose corn syrup only shows up under ingredients, not nutrition facts.
The front label of Welch's Strawberry Peach product uses the phrase, "Fruity & Refreshing" in a prominent position on the label. But if this claim were accurate, it would actually say, "Corny & Refreshing" because it's made more from corn than fruit.
The front label (see picture below) also intentionally leaves out any mention of corn syrup even though high fructose corn syrup is the second most prominent ingredient of the product, right after water. It says:
Strawberry Peach flavored fruit juice cocktail blend made with apple, pear, strawberry and peach juices from concentrate.
No mention of corn.
The back label (see image below) begins with a giant, all-caps "LOVE" statement, jumping on the bandwagon of trying to associate LOVE with its product, even though no rational person would use the word "LOVE" to describe a highly refined liquid sugar that has been repeatedly linked to diabetes and obesity.
Welch's annual report admits it is aware that consumers seek to avoid HFCSAll this corn syrup is being pushed as fruit juice despite the fact that Welch's 2012 annual report openly admits the company is fully aware that consumers are attempting to avoid high fructose corn syrup.
It reads:
"Our mid-priced essentials line continued to grow in FY '12 with its powerful message -- no high fructose corn syrup."
The context of this statement clearly implies that "no high fructose corn syrup" is a benefit of its essentials line of products. Yet, simultaneously, Welch's continues to promote other products that contain alarming proportions of HFCS while avoiding any mention of corn on the front label.
80% water and corn syrup!Only when you get to the back label do you learn that these Welch's fruit juice cocktails -- which are heavily adorned with photos and words that describe and imply "fruit" -- are actually 80% water and corn syrup.
The first two ingredients are Filtered Water (i.e. tap water) and High Fructose Corn Syrup. An easy-to-miss bit of text admits, "Contains 20% juice," meaning 80% of the beverage is not juice.
Nowhere does the product claim to be free of GMOs. As the vast majority of high fructose corn syrup produced in North America is derived from genetically modified corn, it is very likely that the HFCS used by Welch's is actually GMO. A genetic test would not confirm this, however, as the heavy processing of HFCS destroys genetic integrity, rendering genetic ID tests useless.
Here are the photos of the label: (story continues below)
Deceptive labeling pushes more high fructose corn syrup to childrenWelch's fruit juice cocktails are depicted as if they were nothing but fruit juice. The photos, descriptive text and website text all imply they are made of nothing other than fruit juices. Nowhere on the product front label, website or promotional materials is corn depicted at all.
When consumers shop for fruit juices at their local grocery stores, they are easily misled by deceptive labeling practices such as those used by Welch's. Consumers use the pictures and prominent text on the front of the product as their primary cues to determine the composition of the product, and if that product label primarily depicts fruit and fruit juices, a typical consumer will incorrectly assume the product is primarily made of fruit and fruit juices. That same consumer will typically have no idea the product contains more corn derivatives than fruit juice.
Most consumers -- especially parents -- are actively trying to avoid high fructose corn syrup. This is often the reason why they choose fruit juice instead of sodas, as a matter of fact. Yet if they reach for Welch's juice cocktails, they are getting the exact same refined liquid sugar they were trying to avoid by choosing juice instead of soda!
Here at Natural News, we think Welch's should be ashamed of itself for pushing water and high fructose corn syrup as a fruit juice beverage. Its labeling practices deceive rather than inform consumers.
GM wheat could permanently damage human genetics by silencing hundreds of genes throughout the body
It is one of the only major food crops left without a genetically-modified (GM) counterpart, but this could soon change if the Australian government gets its way in approving a GM wheat variety developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), an agency of the Australian government. Despite being hailed by its creators as a breakthrough in food production technology, the GM wheat crop itself, when ingested, has the potential to permanently alter the human genome by silencing hundreds of genes throughout the body.
This disturbing fact, of course, makes GM wheat a major public health threat, which is why a number of scientific experts are urging extreme caution with the human trial and commercial approval process. During a recent press conference with Safe Food Foundation Director Scott Kinnear, two prominent authorities on the subject discussed the inherent dangers of GM wheat, and how the "Frankencrop" threatens to seriously injure and even kill untold numbers of people who could experience dramatic genetic alterations as a result of consumption.
"What we found is that the molecules created in this wheat, intended to silence wheat genes, can match human genes," explains Professor Jack Heinemann, a Molecular Biologist at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, about the dangers of CSIRO's untested GM wheat. "And through ingestion, these molecules can enter human beings and potentially silence our genes."
Heinemann goes on to explain that he and his team have already identified more than 770 pages' worth of potential matches between two specific genes in the GM wheat and genes inherent in the human genome that could be altered by them. Beyond this, more than a dozen matches were found to be identical and "sufficient to cause silencing in experimental systems," according to Heinemann.
You can watch the complete press release here:
GM wheat can pass genetic flaws from generation to generationThe immediate threats of consuming GM wheat are quite substantial, in other words, and illustrate the enormous consequences that can result from tampering with nature at the genetic level. But even worse are the generational consequences that can result from consuming GMOs in general, and specifically the GM wheat in question.
"If this genetic modification in the wheat is absorbed into the human body and affects humans in the same way that it affects the wheat, then it'll mean that there will be some significant changes in the way that we store our carbohydrate, our glucose, in the body, and that could have dire consequences," adds Prof. Judy Carman, a biochemist and Director of the Institute of Health and Environmental Research (IHER) at Flinders University in Australia.
"We need to make what's called glycogen in the body in order to be able to live, in order to be able to wake up in the morning after an overnight fast and to be able to have a burst of energy to run across a road. And if this silences the same sort of gene in us as it silences in the wheat, then children who are born with this enzyme not working tend to die by the age of about five, and adults with this problem just get kind of more and more sick and more and more tired until they get very, very ill."
Back in 2011, Greenpeace activists actually destroyed a farm growing experimental GM wheat produced by CSIRO. As reported by COSMOS magazine, the protestors entered the farm near Canberra on July 14 and proceeded to mow down fields of GM wheat intended for human trials. As of this writing, not a single meaningful safety test has been conducted on GM wheat as CSIRO appears more concerned with potential profits than with human safety.
Be sure to check out the Greenpeace report on CSIRO's GM wheat entitled The biotech takeover of our daily bread:
This disturbing fact, of course, makes GM wheat a major public health threat, which is why a number of scientific experts are urging extreme caution with the human trial and commercial approval process. During a recent press conference with Safe Food Foundation Director Scott Kinnear, two prominent authorities on the subject discussed the inherent dangers of GM wheat, and how the "Frankencrop" threatens to seriously injure and even kill untold numbers of people who could experience dramatic genetic alterations as a result of consumption.
"What we found is that the molecules created in this wheat, intended to silence wheat genes, can match human genes," explains Professor Jack Heinemann, a Molecular Biologist at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, about the dangers of CSIRO's untested GM wheat. "And through ingestion, these molecules can enter human beings and potentially silence our genes."
Heinemann goes on to explain that he and his team have already identified more than 770 pages' worth of potential matches between two specific genes in the GM wheat and genes inherent in the human genome that could be altered by them. Beyond this, more than a dozen matches were found to be identical and "sufficient to cause silencing in experimental systems," according to Heinemann.
You can watch the complete press release here:
GM wheat can pass genetic flaws from generation to generationThe immediate threats of consuming GM wheat are quite substantial, in other words, and illustrate the enormous consequences that can result from tampering with nature at the genetic level. But even worse are the generational consequences that can result from consuming GMOs in general, and specifically the GM wheat in question.
"If this genetic modification in the wheat is absorbed into the human body and affects humans in the same way that it affects the wheat, then it'll mean that there will be some significant changes in the way that we store our carbohydrate, our glucose, in the body, and that could have dire consequences," adds Prof. Judy Carman, a biochemist and Director of the Institute of Health and Environmental Research (IHER) at Flinders University in Australia.
"We need to make what's called glycogen in the body in order to be able to live, in order to be able to wake up in the morning after an overnight fast and to be able to have a burst of energy to run across a road. And if this silences the same sort of gene in us as it silences in the wheat, then children who are born with this enzyme not working tend to die by the age of about five, and adults with this problem just get kind of more and more sick and more and more tired until they get very, very ill."
Back in 2011, Greenpeace activists actually destroyed a farm growing experimental GM wheat produced by CSIRO. As reported by COSMOS magazine, the protestors entered the farm near Canberra on July 14 and proceeded to mow down fields of GM wheat intended for human trials. As of this writing, not a single meaningful safety test has been conducted on GM wheat as CSIRO appears more concerned with potential profits than with human safety.
Be sure to check out the Greenpeace report on CSIRO's GM wheat entitled The biotech takeover of our daily bread: