Nowhere in the Affordable Care Act can you get coverage for treatment or to learn anything about good health, natural immunity and the expunging of pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and herbicides (GMO) from your liver, your kidneys, your spleen, your colon and your bladder. Nowhere in the MANDATORY Obama-carelessness, IRS collectible bill, do you get coverage to visit a Naturopathic Physician, or a Chiropractor, or a licensed Nutritionist. Nowhere in the unaffordable chronic symptom cover up care act do you learn how to heal yourself. It's just more of the same; a bunch of chemicals prescribed to address disorders which are caused by the consumption of chemicals, and the zombie nation charges forward, into chronic sick care, cheering all the way! (
Did you really believe there would be free healthcare? Did you really believe the U.S. Government would foot the bill for the end result of toxins THEY promote in food and medicine?
From mercury dental fillings to mercury-loaded vaccinations, it's just more sick care for the sheeple!
Every natural health enthusiast knew when Obama introduced Obamacare, the "affordable" care act, or law of the land, that something was inherently wrong with it, and that even though it talked about covering pre-existing conditions, which is the ultimate problem with America, that it was too good to be true, and somehow, somewhere, at some point, everyone would be paying for it through the teeth, but nobody knew just how soon. Was it all planned that healthcare for most would triple or quadruple, and that it doesn't matter if you work for a big company, a huge corporation, a hospital, a small company, your own company, or you work for nobody. It doesn't matter because the IRS will come knocking at your door if you don't pay for everyone's cancer, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer's disease and everything else the bad food and bad water and bad medicine manifests. What government in their right mind would offer to pay to heal the very people it poisons slowly? Who would foot that bill? What business people, what CEOs, what Wall Street Ivy League graduates would pay for catastrophe they are creating? It's the other way around. They invest in catastrophe, so the healthcare is all about pre-existing conditions, and existing conditions, and future conditions. You check in and never check out.(
America is one big pre-existing condition
If you're like most Americans who don't eat strictly organic, then you have been consuming glyphosate (RoundUp) for 20 years, and you have a lot of cleansing and healing you need to address, immediately. By going to allopathic MDs and Western medication witch doctors, you are asking for more issues. Consider this; what's the first thing the doctor or dentist does when you are leaving his/her office? They make sure you stop at the front desk/counter and schedule your next visit. You are a client for life, and Obamacare is just the enforcement team (IRS) that makes sure you don't stray from the path of destruction and otherwise find out about and use natural remedies, organic food and organic herbs to heal, stay healthy, and enjoy longevity. No, my friends, you are simply a number, and that nine-digit number will be flogged for about 55 years, long enough to drain every cent you make and send you to the dirt before you can collect social security, the very tens of thousands of dollars you earned for retirement!(
Find a naturopathic physician, nutritionist and/or a chiropractor near you as soon as you can. Prevention is the best medicine, after all. Write your Congressman or Congresswoman and make sure your voice is heard. Don't fall for the "Obama-Carelessness Act" and the allopathic "drug-you-up-regularly" methods of madness. Escape from and never return to the zombified Western Med society of foolish and reckless health care scams. Obamacare is nothing but a Ponzi scheme, where you invest your tax dollars, involuntarily by the way, and your co-pays and your "patient responsibility" portion of your bill goes up consecutively, year after year of this chronic symptom cover-up care.
As NaturalNews has reported recently, "The affordable component of the so-called Affordable Care Act may not be all that affordable after all, as many of the most sickly patients covered under the Obama scheme will still likely have to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket for their treatments. Cancer patients could be required to pay up to 30 percent of the costs associated with chemotherapy drugs and other conventional treatments, and the situation could be much the same in many other states as Obamacare comes into effect next January."
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