(2006-2024) Death, followed by flood, overtakes Rome, as a leader is consigned to a dungeon and castle and palace go up in flames.- Nostradamus
Pope will quit Rome, and in leaving the Vatican, he will have to walk over the dead bodies of his priests." -Pope Pius x
The pope will change his residence and the Church will not be defended for twenty-five months or more because, during all that time there will be no Pope in Rome... After many tribulations, a Pope shall be elected out of those who survived the persecutions.- John of Vitiguerro (13th Century)
Towards the end of the world, tyrants and hostile mobs will rob the Church and the clergy of all their possessions and will afflict and martyr them. Those who heap the most abuse upon them will be held in high esteem. At that time, the Pope with his cardinals will have to flee Rome in tragic circumstances to a place where they will be unknown. The Pope will die a cruel death in his exile. The sufferings of the Church will be much greater than at any previous time in her history. But God will raise a holy Pope, and the Angels will rejoice. Enlightened by God, this man will rebuild almost the whole world through his holiness. He will lead everyone to the true Faith.-John of the Cleft Rock (14th Century)
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» Prophecies regarding the future destruction of Holy Roman Catholic Church and the Pope.
Prophecies regarding the future destruction of Holy Roman Catholic Church and the Pope.
Posted by tin
Posted on 8:04 PM
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